How to use scarbee bass reaper
How to use scarbee bass reaper

how to use scarbee bass reaper

legato playing triggers hammer-on and pull-off, legato playing with sustain pedal pressed triggers slides, fast legato playing triggers grace notes. Almost all articulations can be triggered without any keyswitches. Red Bass was designed to be very easy to play live. Three pick-up settings: Bridge, Both and Neck have all been recorded in both a fingered and slapped version - without the use of compression, tubes or EQ to ensure maximum flexibility in the sound production. Scarbee Red Bass is built on the samples of J-Slap'n Fingered, but has been reprogrammed to take advantage of our highly advanced scripting technology originally developed for Black Bass. What could this mean? On this project the cuts comes only on the rendered file but on the first project they come when playing.SCARBEE today released Red Bass a sample library made for N.I. Some spikes but not constantly hitting the roof.Īnother weird thing is that the cuts/chops are the same and in the exact same places everytime I render. I checked the cpu usage and the processor handles it well, but it looks like the disc is quite stressed but nothing extreme.

how to use scarbee bass reaper

SSDs have a seek time of essentially zero. The is why the preload buffer is important and why transfer rate isn't as important. The lower the latency the less time your external drive has to receive requests for 100s of samples located in different parts of the disk, all with a seek time of around 10ms average. It's probably good that you are still getting lost voices at 10ms because it means that it can't be confused with interface buffery issues. Also reduce max voices.Īlso keep your buffer size higher whilst you are looking for the cause of the problem. You can go into Kontakt and increase your DFD preload buffer to max to take some strain off the disk. Have you checked the external drive's performance with HDTune? What you are doing relies on disk streaming so it might be that. So I have to keep the programs on the scondary internal drive and the sounds on the external disc. I have had to reroute all paths in reaper (that automatically sets to C:) and also the save paths for internet explorer and so on. I can't store a single thing on it at all actually. I think this is extremely weird, as one of the selling points of the computer was the internal ssd disc. Unfortunately the ssd is only used for the system OS. If you have room on the SSD to put the piano on that would help. The computer still only uses around 15% of the juice available so it shouldn't be a lack of power. My computer is quite powerful with 32gb ram and the latency is set to minimum (around 1.3ms).

how to use scarbee bass reaper

I have also expreienced some crackling and cutting in a piano track too. It feels like a midi problem or something, cause when I have tried to render, my sustain pedal commands doesn't follow, leaving the piano all dry. When I play my recorded tracks the sound in some instruments (mostly bass and Rhoads) cuts away, seemingly random. I'm making a simple project using piano from The Grandeur, Scarbee Bass, 60's drummer and some Scarbee Rhoads. I am experimenting on making some tracks just to get to know the vst instruments (I recently bought Komplete 10). I also have the Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol s88 keyboard.


I have a pc with windows 7 pro, a audient ID22 sound interface, run reaper and VST's from Native instruments Komplete 10. New to the forum, and require som help with issues I'm having.

How to use scarbee bass reaper